Tuesday, 11 October 2011

My favourite movie.

Let me tell you why.

The music is fantastic. I have the sound track on my iPod and I listen to it a few times a week. It's a small reminder that good music is out there and other people are aware of it. I think I was 9 when I first got the cassette.

The highly irrelevant plot is smothered by fantastic screenplay. The dance contest - "I do believe that my husband, your boss, told you to take me out and do whatever I wanted. I want to dance, I want to win. So dance good.", the car journey with Vincent and Jules "What do they call a Big Mac in France?".

The characters are all bad ass. Jules and Vincent. Mrs. Mia Wallace. Butch. Marcellus. Jimmie.
It makes me laugh, cry, think, dance about and sing along.
The title hits the nail on the head. A juicy, pulp filled fictitious roller coaster. The 'swept under the rug' social issues of crime, gangs, rape and drugs, all addressed and tossed aside and tied up with a big Tarrantino bow.
Then it's all over, you turn the telly off and it's over. Just a gritty story. I love it.

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