Monday, 27 February 2012

Feel the burn.

So, I've completely had enough of looking in the mirror and seeing me in a fat suit. I've always yoyo-ed with my weight. It doesn't help that I'm a big fan of cheese, carbs and chocolate. I used to go to them gym, but I lost focus and because I wasn't going anymore I thought 'why am I paying for this?' so I quit. Worst mistake ever! After a few months of deliberation, watching money and thinking about why I need to do this I plucked up the courage and went down to the gym and joined up again. I was given a push of motivation when we were given flyers in work for a corporate discount and no joining fee at the gym less than a mile away from my apartment. You can certainly expect to see a few updates on my progress. I do have a target to work towards, I am aiming for size 14 by my 24th birthday in July. I wouldn't usually bother with monitoring my weight as I am going for size, but I'll keep track of it. I am lost with pounds and stone (metric all the way, baby!) and at the moment I am 94 kilos and size 16/18. My first session last night was a small dose of hell but I am so glad it went so well! Going to start with a few days on the cross trainer, treadmill and rowing machines and then start booking spin classes. Wish me luck! xoxo

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