Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Pancake Day!

Shrove Tuesday! Brilliant idea church peeps. I can admit I haven't been baptised as a babe, so I don't actually have to play along with these festivities. But I do love pancakes, so thanks Jesus! Thank you for dying for someone's sins and reminding us that we all have something we can live without. I have heard people explaining that they are giving up something for the next 40 days, chocolate, shopping... Jesus gave up being alive I think. For me, it's just fun to have pancakes for breakfast. They were super yummy. I swear, in 40 days time I will eat an egg of pure chocolate. I'm sure eggs rolling down a hill are supposed to represent the stone rolling away from the front of Jesus' tomb? Mate, I'll eat some choccie to that. Woo, he's alive! What a dude! Yeah man, Jesus, awesome. Clearly I need a few lessons in religion. I respect it... just with all general brain washing that comes with religious practises... I've never been inclined to trust the storytellers. Anyway, Boyfriend and I had a really lovely breakfast together. I think that's what Jesus would have wanted. Here's some photos of Boyfriend's breakfast chef debut! xoxo

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