Sunday, 13 May 2012

Caerphilly Castle.

This morning I woke up to Boyfriend bounding around the bedroom, flinging the curtains open with reckless bravado. "We're going on an adventure!" he's saying with glee. I have to be honest, I was in the middle of enjoying my traditional Sunday lie in, which can go on until lunch time if I haven't got anything planned. None the less, Boyfriend being this cute is enough for my forgiveness. So after brunch (I have to call it that, because what else is breakfast at 11am?) I showered and dressed and we got in the car. It's a rare treat to have a beautiful sunny day in south Wales so we drove through the city with the roof down. As we pull of the dual carriageway following signs for Caerphilly, we eventually pull into the castle car park. It is a beautiful place, and it was only £4 entry each. It's surrounded by water and parks, full of wildlife. Inside there are towers with tall spiral staircases to run up and down. Exhibitions in rooms at the top. Tapestries. Shields boasting coats of arms. A lot of it has been restored, while whole sections lie in ruin. The views from the rooftops are stunning, enhanced by the sunshine and enveloping greenery. What a nice surprise today was. xoxo

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