Sunday, 30 March 2014

Happy Mother's Day.

Thank you for everything, you wonderful woman. xoxo

Friday, 28 March 2014

Home wares daydream.

Longing to move and have an excuse to buy all sorts of homey nonsense! Eek!

All from Next.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Hen night / wedding guest dresses.

Maddie & Dan's wedding is creeping ever closer and my excitement rocketed when my dresses for her hen night and the wedding arrived last week (Thank you, Very!). 

The hen night is little over a week away so it's time to start thinking about shoes & bags and all of that tedious girly business. Make up is an easy choice, neutral with a flick of eye liner for both occasions, going for red lips with the lace detail black swing dress for the hen night and neautral/pink lips with the green collared pleat dress for the wedding. 

I'm quite keen on these strappy heels from Next for both, but I'm not sure if black shoes and bag are appropriate for a wedding, thoughts?
The beautiful bride has assured us all it's a casual wedding but still!

There's a matching black box clutch bag which I've seen in store and it's a good size.

Also time to start thinking wedding presents! They don't need presents, they need honey-moon-funds, saving-for-a-house kind of gifts. But I can't help but have a snoop at a few newly weds homewares and keepsakes! 

Where's the bubbly? 


Thursday, 20 March 2014

Breast Cancer Campaign - no makeup selfies.

The 'no makeup selfie' craze has spread through social media like wild fire. Launched by Breast Cancer Care, the campaign centres around donating by text to cancer research charities. 
The Breast Cancer Campaign launched this on Twitter yesterday.

Donating by text is something Cancer Research UK already do, here are their donate by text options.

I went with 'BEAT' to 70007 and gave £3. 
Although it isn't listed, I did get an acknowledgement from Cancer Research UK. 

Text was sent last night, selfie from this morning.

Ahh the social debate and the preposterous bollocks of it all. 
I get it, the narcissism of "I woke up like this" is hard to swallow. The internet will always have content that is irksome but surely a campaign celebrating natural beauty, spreading the word about breast cancer and fundraising for cancer research is a nice thing? Live and let be, angry internet. 
I admit I brushed my hair and washed my face (and checked there was no breakfast on my pyjamas/hair - long hair problems) before I took my photo. I fail to see how my attempt at common decency is a negative thing. I think this is a nice campaign, promoting bare faced beauty and raising money by targeting a new generation of gadget lovers, most of whom have a few spare quid that can be used for something better. The men's versions are quite funny, posting the opposite with faces full of make up, further highlighting how ridiculous make up can be.
What is so lovely about this is the mirrored adoration of my own personal campaign of ridding my friends of their fakery. I have successfully stripped my very dear friend Laura of her fake tan, lashes and extensions (at least during the day) and I once got her out on a Saturday night in a woolly jumper, jeans and trainers and she had the best time. So far, all the women and girls who I have seen through these natural 'selfies' look happy and gorgeous. Another brief nod towards common sense. Hurray!


Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Forever Living.

A few friends have found success in launching their new business with Forever Living. They're selling aloe vera based detox programs and skincare. Having a family who revelled in detoxes and the healing power of plants I was well informed about aloe vera, especially growing up in AndalucĂ­a where it grows naturally and is commonly used fresh from the ground, cut open and slapped onto sun burnt skin (a gooey but satisfying experience). My interest was peaked enough to try the skincare range my friend had to offer, but having tasted aloe vera by mistake as a kid I'm wary of trying the detox stuff as it involves drinking an aloe vera gel (but that's not to say I disagree with the benefits of ingesting it).

Vicky was lovely enough to get in touch about trying them out for myself and being a devout believer of skincare I jumped at the chance. Here's my little collection from their range of beauty basics!

BRIGHT* TOOTHGEL (£5.75/130g) - Love the colour! The first taste is sweet and minty (and as you rinse you have a sharp, not unpleasant, clean taste). My teeth look much brighter, this was a winner for me. (Weird fact - it's suitable for pets too!)

HAND & FACE SOAP (£10.84/473ml) - I didn't see much difference in the quality when I was using it but I can't deny my hands feel much healthier. It lathers up nicely and leaves skin very soft.  I'm learning how to play guitar so any quick relief is welcome - I don't want boy hands!
HAND SANITIZER (£3.40/59ml) - This was wasted on me, sadly. It didn't offend me, but not a product I've ever bothered with. It did stand up in comparison to any other brand I have tried though, it absorbed into the skin quite quickly and left no sticky residue.

ALOE LOTION (£12.24/118ml) - One of my favourites. It fit in to my morning beauty regime quite quickly. After cleansing my skin post shower, I'd apply this all over my face before make up. My skin is in great condition, a remarkable result for me. I suffer from breakouts badly. Not just your odd blemish or poxy black head, I mean growing an extra face kind of mega spots. 
PROPOLIS CREME (£14.96/113g) - Beyond luxury. This moisturiser is very rich and thick. Apply this after shaving legs. Beautifully smooth! 
ALOE SCRUB (£12.92/98g) - I'm not usually a fan of how thin and oily scrubs can feel but I do like the idea of scrubbing off nasty dead skin and knowing I had the propolis creme for afterwards I gave it a go. I tried it on my legs and I was pleased to find it did foam up a little and washed off quickly. A nice product but not something I would usually use.

JOJOBA SHAMPOO (£14.15/296ml) - A clear gel, not my usual option! I have very thin, brittle hair so I choose opaque cream shampoos instead. However, this shampoo was not abrasive but as with clear gels it left my hair too dry. It would no doubt be spot on for wild hair types.
ALOE GELLY (£12.24/118ml) - Immediately reminded me of fresh aloe vera. Very watery in texture, as it blobs out you have to spread it over skin quickly. Unlike other moisturisers this doesn't need wiping off your hands after application. It soaks into your skin immediately with an instant soft finish. I'd be interested to try this on sun burnt skin. 
ALOE MOISTURISING LOTION (£12.24/118ml) - A little thicker than the simple blue-logo Aloe Lotion with a strong floral scent. The scent isn't my cup of tea, but the lotion is refreshing and I could feel my skin soothe as it was applied. Soaked in quickly.
ALOE HEAT GEL (£12.24/118ml) - Interesting product! The strong smell (like tiger balm!) is hard to ignore but I like it, clinical. At first as you massage it into the skin there's nothing new, then after about 30 seconds a dense wave of tingly warmth spreads through your muscles from the surface. I suffer from severe menstrual pain and whilst experiencing this I rubbed this heat lotion on my lower back and hips and the relief was excellent. Very good for aches and pains. Nice and smooth in texture, much like the purple-logo Aloe Moisturising Lotion. 
(Prices/measurements for these are for the real product, not my dinky samples!)

LIP BALM (£2.87/15oz) - My absolute favourite! For once, the thing I like the most is actually the cheapest. This little beauty has transformed my lips! The smell is divine and it soaks in quickly. It feels quite light and keeps lips moisturised for hours. Very welcome after months of vicious British winter weather.

Overall, a good range of pampering products with remarkable, quick results.
Even the products I wouldn't normally pick were good.
I'll be ordering more aloe lotion, propolis creme, toothpaste and lip balm next pay day!
Wish list total - £35.82, an absolute bargain based on quality alone! Think of how much money you'd spend using up lesser products, with poor or no results. This stuff works.

My fellow South Wales Blogger Fi from Beauty Reviews and Things was also invited to see what Forever Living have to offer, check out her recent post to see what she had to say! 

You can keep track of Vicky's success and catch any offers or business updates on her new blog!
Forever Victoria

For any queries or to find out what else Forever have to offer feel free to email Vicky at


Saturday, 15 March 2014

Moving house inspiration.

I can't wait to move house at the start of Summer. Staying in the same area but getting excited at the prospect of making a new home! The internet has cheered me on.

(All images from We Heart It)

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Conflicting feelings for Marilyn.

I've always been intrigued by this character of a woman. I didn't idolise her, I was intrigued to learn she was a puppet. Norma Jean was a simple and gorgeous girl, who was grabbed by the film industry and converted into the peroxide bombshell, (drugged, curvy, bullied and seemingly confused) Marilyn Monroe. Her cute talents were retained by her aspiring management in the movie industry, desperate to hold onto their prized cow, keeping her sedated as she struggled to cope with being dragged around as a showcase. Scared, abused and lonely, her dependency on narcotics spiralled. As her success soared life twisted around her as she married over and over, had countless affairs, disregarded an education and ultimately became her own undoing. Yes she was a darling to look at but what Marilyn really represents to me is a symbol of all that is wrong with the greed in our society. Could she have had a stronger will or commanded more respect? Maybe, but not everyone is strong in that way. Her image is not one of luxury and sexuality to me, it's a sad reminder of how nasty and stupid people can be. Sigh.

Thursday, 6 March 2014