Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Mammy visit.

My annual catch up with Mam was lovely.

Brunch binge at the M&S cafe.

We only had a couple of days so in full holiday mode we were out and about,
shopping with plenty of wine.

We visited the Ganesha boutique in the Morgan Arcade, this is an early present from Mam.
Sterling silver and green agate.

Amongst other Mam-treats, I was surprised with a tray of Hotel Chocolat 'Egglets'. Nom.

Then time ran out and she had to go home. See you soon, Mam!



  1. It must have been so nice to have some mother daughter time :)
    That ring is beautiful and I'm pretty sure I recognise the ever so pretty Bunkhouse! xx

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life

    1. We've been best friends for 26 years, it was great!
      Well spotted, it certainly is Bunkhouse :)
      I only take my agate ring off to wash! X
