I've always liked whole food snacks but I'm so stuck on processed sugar that I've never even wanted to try and give up cake and chocolate. Graze deliver a box of four portions of yummy, nutritious snacks as frequently as once a week, I've gone for one every fortnight. You can tailor your menu to your taste and request certain snacks that you want sent as soon as possible. Each box is £3.99 but I received a voucher for my first order so it was free. The contents were great so I'm keeping my subscription, I'm sure I spend more than £8 a month on crisps.
There were nice message cards with details about the team, nutrition and their company manifesto with a strong focus on recycling, environment and sustainability (all packaging included).
I opted for a SustainBox, intended to provide essential fats, natural sugars and fibre.
Track & Field: caramel chocolate buttons, fudge pieces, raisins and blanched peanuts.
Bonnie Wee Oatcakes: whole grain cheese & chive oatcakes with onion marmalade.
Summer Berry Flapjack: berry infused cherrys and rolled oats.
Morning Energizer: dried pear, dried cherries and walnuts.
I can rate my opinions online of each one online which will update my menu choices in future deliveries. I can't wait for my next one to arrive next Saturday!
I loved my GrazeBox, so if you fancy trying a box feel free to use a code they sent to me for friends to use, it's
JILLS4RWP and you get your
5th and
10th box for free.
Here's a link to their